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Oral Presentation

Presentations must be made in such a way that it is comprehensible for an audience with no prior background in the topic. Participants are requested to keep the nitty-gritty details of their research to a minimum and focus on the impact of the study and the results obtained during their research to drive the point across to the audience. 

Oral presentations are for Ph.D. scholars in their 4th year and above. MTech(R) students in their 2nd year must choose one out of either oral or poster presentations (details below). Participants need to present their research for a duration of 15 minutes (talk: 12 mins, Q/A: 3 mins). 


The presentation should include

  1. Motivation for the work

  2. Brief literature review

  3. Objective and methodology followed

  4. Results and discussion

  5. Future work 


The following article gives a list of points to remember while preparing the presentation: Effective presentations: how can we learn from the experts?

The best two presentations in each stream will be awarded prizes!

Submission Requirements

  • The abstract should have a maximum of 1300 characters.

  • The submission must include sufficient details to demonstrate the purpose of the talk/poster, the technical foundation for the topics to be discussed, and the expected results of the final presentation.

  • All abstracts must be written in LaTeX. Use the template file (which can be downloaded below) to write the abstract. 

  • The student who will be presenting should be mentioned as the first author.

  • Non-first-author submissions will not be considered, i.e., each eligible student should have at least one first-author submission.

  • If an eligible student does not want to participate, they must write to the Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering via their supervisor.

Submission Deadlines

The deadline for the abstract submission for both Oral presentations is December 17, 2022.

All abstracts must be mailed to​​​​​​​ in PDF format. Use subject line- 'Abstract for Oral presentation AERES2023 - $Name_SRNo$'. The file name of the abstract should be Abstract_Oral_$Name_SRNo$.pdf.

The deadline for the presentation submission is January 12, 2023.

The presentations must be mailed to in PDF format. Use subject line - 'Oral presentation AERES2023 - $Name_SRNo$'. The file name of the presentation should be Presentation_$Name_SRNo$.pdf. For presenters who wish to include animations for their talk, please submit in .ppt format. To avoid compatibility issues, the AERES team will check the presentations on the system on 13th January. The presenters will be informed in case of compatibility issues and are expected to modify the presentations accordingly.

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